St. Vincent DePaul Society

Do you need help?

Call or text 224-357-6574 or email

A member of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will return your message as soon as they are able.


The members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Saints Peter and Paul Conference, offer assistance to individuals and/or families in need of spiritual or material assistance. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Thursday in the Fr. Lonergon Room in the Church from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. We welcome new members at any time.

Organized locally, Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served, because in them Vincentians see the face of Christ.

Mission Statement

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, an international Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering tangible and spiritual support through prayer and person-to-person services to the needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frederic Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

How It Works

A person calls or texts 224-357-6574 and asks for help, one member reviews those calls or texts. Two active members are assigned to visit that person. They help them with their needs by paying bills and giving them additional resources that they can appeal to for help. When we meet, the members report on their clients without giving the client's name. We then see if there is any other way that we can help them.

Get Involved

New members are always welcome. If you would like to become a member of the Society, contact Lisa Jordan:

We are always in need of:

  • Donations - All donations stay right here in the Cary Community! Click here to donate to the SSPP Friends of the Poor Fundraiser!
  • Gift Cards for food & clothes - $25 denominations to WalMart, Target, Jewel and Kohls
  • Gift Cards for gas - $25 denominations to local gas stations
  • Please call the parish center at 847-516-2636, ext. 399 if you have something to donate.

SVdP in Action!

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