Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries include Altar Servers, Lectors, Music Ministers, Ushers, Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Mass Coordinators and Wash Church Linens. Learn more about these ministries below.

Ministry Scheduler

Most of these ministries are scheduled using the software tool, Ministry Scheduler Pro (MSP). Select the button below to login and view the current schedule, submit a sub request or change your profile. Click here for information to download the app to your phone.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers are very important to Liturgy. They set up for the Mass, therefore need to arrive at least 20 minutes before Mass begins. They check with the Mass Coordinator for any special instructions. During Mass they assist the priest, helping the Mass flow smoothly. Altar Servers lead the responses during the Mass. After Mass, they bring all utensils/vessels to the sacristy for cleaning.

Altar Server Manual


Proclaim the Word of God at Sunday Liturgy from the Lectionary. The Lectionary is an ordered presentation of scripture selections from both the Old and New Testaments and extends across a cycle of three years. Lectors do receive training and a handbook of readings. Depending on the Mass time preference, Lectors are scheduled 1-2 times a month. Lectors do not have to be confirmed, but must be practicing Catholics.

Lector Manual

Music Minister

Provide accompaniment for the whole Body of Christ to fully participate in the Mass through song. This is accomplished as members of one of our choirs, musical instruments, and song leaders. There are a variety of groups who provide music leadership for Sunday Masses and occasionally during the day on weekdays. Any willing person is welcome to join our Music Ministry.


Ushers greet people as they come into the church building. They assist those who may need help finding a seat, directions to the washrooms, answer any questions they may have or direct them to who can answer their questions. The ushers help find people to bring the gifts up during Mass and let the Mass Coordinator know who needs communion brought to them. They also take up the collection and usher during Communion. If someone gets ill or needs medical care, they do what is needed in those circumstances. Ministers of Hospitality can be both male and female and should be high school age or older.

Usher Manual

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Extraordinary Ministers distribute Holy Communion to the Body of Christ at all Masses. Training is provided. Once training has taken place, names are sent to the bishop for commissioning. E.M.’s serve a three year commitment and can renew for an additional three years. Extraordinary Ministers must be confirmed, practicing Catholics.

EMHC Manual

Minister of Care

Ministers of Care are Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who are specially trained to take the Body of Christ to the sick and homebound. Ministers of Care are commissioned by the bishop for a three year term which can be renewed for an additional three years. They must be confirmed, practicing Catholics with compassion for the sick and those unable to join the rest of our community for Mass. Training is provided. Ministers of Care meet periodically for prayer and formation.

Mass Coordinators

Mass Coordinators for Sunday Liturgy set up/clean up everything needed for Mass on Saturday vigil/Sunday morning/evening. They make sure that all ministers sign in and replace any who are missing. They direct Altar Servers in their duties and recruit for any who are missing. If there are special collections, etc., they alert the ushers. Wedding/Funeral/Baptism Coordinators set up/clean up and assist the priest/deacon. Training for all coordinators is provided.

Mass Coordinator Manual

Wash Church Linens

About twice a week the linens used at Mass need to be taken home to be washed and ironed. There is a rotating schedule for this task. Each month, a different person is assigned to do the laundry. There are particulars for washing/ironing corporals and purificators and training is provided. There is a different list of people who wash Altar Server albs. This is also done on a rotating monthly schedule.

News & Events

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Laura Nick

Clergy Admin/Parish Outreach


Altar Server Manual

Everything you need to know about altar serving at Mass.
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